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Revision 1 as of 2017-03-07 08:37:47
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Editor: Ian
Revision 3 as of 2017-03-07 08:47:16
Size: 778
Editor: Ian
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Describe Support/Vpn/Windows10ClientConfig here. <<TableOfContents>>

== Windows 10 PPtP VPN Client setup ==

=== To UnSet "default gateway on remote network" ===
This setting causes the client to route all internet traffic via the VPN. Ie if you connect from home to your office all browsing will be routed first to your office and then out to the internet. This is not what you want if your office VPN is only to allow remote access to your office based services.

 * Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center
 * Click Menu Item "Change adaptor settings"
 * Right click your VPN adaptor (eg "office.zls.co.za") and select properties
 * Click "Network"
 * Highlight "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click "Properties"
 * Click "Advanced"
 * Clear tickbox on "Use default gateway on remote network"

Windows 10 PPtP VPN Client setup

To UnSet "default gateway on remote network"

This setting causes the client to route all internet traffic via the VPN. Ie if you connect from home to your office all browsing will be routed first to your office and then out to the internet. This is not what you want if your office VPN is only to allow remote access to your office based services.

  • Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center

  • Click Menu Item "Change adaptor settings"
  • Right click your VPN adaptor (eg "office.zls.co.za") and select properties
  • Click "Network"
  • Highlight "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click "Properties"
  • Click "Advanced"
  • Clear tickbox on "Use default gateway on remote network"

Office: Support/Vpn/Windows10ClientConfig (last edited 2017-06-19 14:21:02 by Ian)