## page was renamed from ZLSAdmin/PortForwarding ## page was renamed from Support/ZLS/PortForwarding <> == Typical Port Forwarding Required for Support of ZLS Linux servers == ||||||||'''Port Forwarding for ZLS Linux Servers<
>''' || ||'''Description''' ||'''Protocol''' ||'''External Port''' ||'''Internal Port ''' || ||Ping ||ICMP ||8 ||8 || ||DynDNS , Monitoring ||UDP ||58800 ||58800 || ||Open VPN ||UDP ||1194 ||1194 || ||Open VPN ||TCP ||1194 ||1194 || ||Auth ||TCP ||113 ||113 || ||Ssh ||TCP ||22 ||22 || ||Alternate ssh ||TCP ||2022 ||2022 || ||Webmail etc ||TCP ||80 ||80 || ||Alternate http ||TCP ||81 ||80 || ||HTTPS ||TCP ||443 ||443 || ||POP3 ||TCP ||110 ||110 || ||POP3s ||TCP ||995 ||995 || ||IMAP ||TCP ||143 ||143 || ||IMAPs ||TCP ||993 ||993 || ||SMTP ||TCP ||25 ||25 || ||Submission ||TCP ||587 ||587 || ||SMTPs ||TCP ||465 ||465 || '''Note:''' additional ports may be required on individual sites. == Port Forwarding in Huawei LTE Routers using "DMZ" Settings == * This will forward All Protocols and All Ports to the nominated "DMZ IP". * Configure the DMZ zone as per this screenshot [[attachment:HuaweiDMZConfiguration.png]] * Configure the router to respond to ping on the WAN port as per this screen shot * Note you will also need an unrestricted APN on your simcard to allow incoming access. For TelkomLTE try: * Settings * Dialup * Profile Management * Create a new profile * Profile name: unrestricted * APN: unrestricted * Save new profile and set it as default profile [[attachment:HuaweiEnableWANPing.png]] * The above screenshots were made and tested with a Huawei router with the following details: ||Device name || B315s-936 || ||Hardware version: || WL1B310TM02 || ||Software version: || 21.311.03.00.1232 || Other devices can be expected to behave differently.