
How To Set Up Webmail Filters In Roundcube

First you will need to log onto the correct webmail server for your account, please refer to Support/Webmail/FAQ#Which_webmail_server_should_I_use.3F for the correct server.

You will need your username and password, these are available on the data sheet you received from ZSD listing all your account information.

All filters can be disabled by editing, ticking the "Filter disabled" option and clicking the save button.

If this is your first time setting up a filter you will need to ensure that your email address is correct on webmail, you can find this under Personal Setttings, Indentities.


To bounce all messages from a certain address you would create a rule that looks like this: bounce-message-filter.png

To create an out of office message you would create a rule that looks like this: out-of-office.png

To redirect mail to other users you would create a rule that looks like this: redirect.png

Office: Support/Webmail/Filters (last edited 2018-11-14 14:59:28 by Ian)